Detox the Healthy Way!

28 months ago
Detox the Healthy Way!

The holiday season is over and it's time to detox your body from all the food and drinks of the festival. Detox, short for detoxification, is your body's natural way of eliminating toxins from the body. You don't have to starve yourself or workout for long hours in the gym to detox. Just follow these simple, sensible steps that can get you back on your feet, cure hangovers and help you lose those extra pounds gained during the celebration.

1. Drink up! : Water is a vital nutrient and helps to cleanse your system. Make sure you drink at least 12-15 glasses of water every day. Many people forget to do this.

2. Workout: Moderate aerobic exercises for 30 minutes every day will go a long way in reducing the extra pounds gained. The exercise can be cycling, walking, running, jogging etc. You can get creative and try dancing, Zumba, sports etc.
Yoga can also be incorporated into the exercise routine. This will help eliminate toxins and calm your mind.

3. Watch the foods you eat: After the rich, fatty and sugary holiday feast, it's important to watch your diet. Make a conscious effort to include good nutrition into your daily meal plan. Try adding new, healthier foods to your diet like different fruits and vegetables.

Here are a few foods that you can include and some that you may have to avoid eating.

Foods to eat: fruits, dry fruits, vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, garlic, beets and green leafy vegetables, grains and starches like brown rice, buckwheat, oats, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, oils like almond oil and avocado oil in limited quantities and water.

Foods to avoid: Dairy products like cheese, yoghurt, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, wheat and other gluten containing foods, sweeteners, corn, soy, caffeine, carbonated beverages, animal products like beef, pork, mutton etc, fatty foods, processed and preserved foods.

Stay Healthy!