What did your doctor just say?

47 months ago
What did your doctor just say?

You have been planning to have a family and you would like to meet with a doctor before you begin planning the journey. Very often we talk to the doctor and he ends up using so much medical jargon, that you only wish he had the time to explain those terms! Here are a few terms that you may hear your doctor use and this little list could help you de-code what your doctor says!

Common terms you may come across:
1. Abortion: The termination of a pregnancy through the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus. It could be purposeful due to various reasons like an unplanned pregnancy, or due to certain medical problems.
2. Abortion (spontaneous): Miscarriage that has not been induced artificially.
3. Amniocentesis: A prenatal test in which a small amount of amniotic fluid is removed for analysis.
4. Amniotic fluid: the fluid that surrounds the developing fetus.
5. Amniotic sac: The bag in which the fetus and amniotic fluid are contained during pregnancy.
6. Anencephaly: A severe congenital defect in which the fetus has no brain.
7. Breech presentation: Fetal position in which the feet or buttocks of the baby are closest to the mother's cervix when labor begins.
8. Cervix: The lower portion of the uterus which extends into the vagina.
9. Cesarean section (C-section): Delivery of an infant through an incision in the abdominal and uterine walls.
10. Chorionic villi sampling: A prenatal test that scans for genetic abnormalities.
11. Endometriosis: A medical condition in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows in another area of the body such as the abdomen. This could lead to infertility problems.
12. Crowning: The point in labor when the head of the baby can be seen at the vagina.
13. Eclampsia: A serious complication of pregnancy, characterized by high blood pressure and edema. It is the more severe form of pre-eclampsia.
14. Ectopic pregnancy: Pregnancy in which the embryo begins to grow outside the uterus, often in one of the fallopian tubes.
15. Edema: Swelling, retention of fluid in body tissues.
16. Embryo: The name given to the fertilized ovum until eight weeks after conception.
17. Epidural: A type of local anesthesia used to relieve pain during delivery.
18. Episiotomy: An incision made in the tissue around the vagina in order to ease the final stage of delivery
19. Fallopian tubes: Tubes that extend from the ovaries to the uterus.
20. Miscarriage: Spontaneous ending of the pregnancy prior to 24 weeks' gestation.
21. Ovulation: Release of the egg from the ovary
22. Placenta: The structure through which the fetus receives nourishment and oxygen during gestation.
23. Tubal pregnancy: The most common form of ectopic pregnancy, in which a fertilized egg begins to develop in the fallopian tube.

Some acronyms your doctor may make a mention of:
1. 2WW= two week wait (time after ovulation before you can take a pregnancy test)
2. AF=Aunt Flo (menstrual period)
3. BBT=basal body temperature (used to calculate a woman's fertile days)
4. BCP=birth control pill, BD=baby dance (sex)
5. DPO=days past ovulation
6. EPT=early pregnancy test
7. FMU=first morning urine (best time to take a pregnancy test)
8. HPT=home pregnancy test
9. LMP=last menstrual period (start date)
10. EDD= Estimated due date

These are just a few terms that you may come across and may be a guide for you to understand what these mean. So the next time you visit your doctor, you won't be left wondering what he just said!