Your Fertility Quotient

48 months ago
Your Fertility Quotient

Understand your fertility quotient before planning for pregnancy:

• A woman is most fertile one or two days before ovulation, and ovulation is different in different women. Ovulation typically happens 11 to 21 days into a menstrual cycle.
• Hormones regulate ovulation and factors like stress, illness or sleep deprivation can interfere with the production of these hormones and in turn ovulation.
• There is no reason to wait three months after discontinuing birth control pills to try conception. Most women start ovulating about two weeks after taking the last pill.
• On an average, sperms can survive for three to five days inside a woman's body.
• Intercourse every other day or on the third day between days 7 to 20 of the woman's menstrual cycle can work well for conception.
• There is no specific position during intercourse that can enhance/decrease the likelihood of conception according to research.
• If you are 29-33 years with normally functioning reproductive systems, you still have 20-25% chance of conceiving during any given menstrual cycle.
• 60% of the couples aged 29-33 with normally functioning reproductive systems can conceive after six months of unprotected intercourse. On an average, 90% of couples conceive within 12 months of trying for a baby.
• Infertility diagnosis to be considered for women trying for conception after unprotected intercourse: 6 months for women 35 or elder and 12 months for women 35 or younger.
• Both genders experience fertility issues equally. About one-fifth of infertility cases are unexplained.
• Smoking may reduce a man's sperm count and accelerate the loss of eggs in women.

For further details, consult your Doctor...