Training Tips for Successful Body Building

  • 48 months ago
1 minute read.
Training Tips for Successful Body Building

A great way to pack on some lean muscle mass is by lifting heavier. That's right, I said heavier. If you've been weight training for a few months, you might be looking for new ideas on how to get the most out of your workouts.

Here are weight training principles for intermediate lifters.

  1. Supersets: Supersets involve grouping together two exercises for opposing muscle groups, like your back and chest. Do two back-to-back sets, one of each exercise, with little or no rest between them. Supersets will help speed up your workout and enhance overall recovery.
  2. Tri-Sets: A tri-set is doing three exercises for the same muscle group without resting between the sets. Since you hit your muscles from three different angles, tri-sets are an excellent shaping technique. They are also great for increasing vascularity (having prominent, visible veins).
  3. Compound Sets: A compound set is basically a superset for the same muscle group. For example, instead of pairing your chest exercise with a back exercise, you would do two chest exercises in a row. Rather than enhancing recovery, compound sets will pump your muscles to the extreme.
  4. Cycle Training: Doing the exact same workouts every week for months on end can get tiring. Yes, it's good to follow routines to gain mass and strength, but if you cycle your training protocols, you can keep your workouts fresh and fun.
  5. Quality Training: In quality training, you gradually reduce your rest time between sets, yet still do the same total volume of work. Quality training is great for muscle definition and vascularity.
  6. Split System: If you've been training your full body for a few months, then you can increase the intensity of your workouts by dividing them between your upper and lower body. The split system enables you to work both halves of your body harder and longer.

Just making a few changes to the way you work out can have you seeing results faster.

Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

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