Five Journaling Techniques That Can Change Your Life For Good

  • 27 months ago
5 minute read.
Five Journaling Techniques That Can Change Your Life For Good

Writing has long been used as both a form of therapy and an outlet for creativity, and recent research shows that journaling may also play an important role in helping to reduce stress levels and improve your physical health, primarily if you use specific techniques that force you to reflect on your current circumstances, along with the things you're grateful for in your life.

Here are five of the most effective journaling techniques you can implement right now, so you can start reaping the benefits of this ancient practice today.

Health Benefits Of Journaling And Reasons Why You Should Start Journaling

Research shows that journaling can help you self-care and make you more reflective. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you express yourself, feel better, deal with stress, improve self-awareness, cope better with stressful situations, and make changes to achieve your goals.

It is hard to imagine anyone in today's world who doesn't have something they would like to change about themselves or their life. If you are one of those looking for a way to make some positive changes in your life, try journaling. You may be surprised at how much it helps!

  1. Reduce Stress: Writing about your feelings can reduce stress and increase feelings of self-worth.
  2. Help You Sleep Better: According to a study in The Journal of Advanced Nursing, writing down your thoughts and feelings before bedtime may help you sleep better.
  3. Boost Your Creativity: Research from Indiana University suggests that journaling can boost creativity by encouraging divergent thinking or thinking outside of traditional patterns.
  4. Improve Self-Esteem: Studies show that expressive writing is linked to increased self-esteem and decreased depressive symptoms.
  5. Self-Care: By writing down your goals and what's important to you, you take time out of each day to self-care. And it's not just any time—it's intentional time dedicated solely to self-care.

Related: Benefits of expressive writing

Five Easy Journaling Techniques To Help You Heal

Not all journal writing is created equal. When you journal regularly, you can gain insights about yourself and heal past wounds by creatively expressing your thoughts and feelings. The next time you feel stressed or in need of some clarity, try out one of these five powerful journaling techniques:

#1. Diary Writing: Record What Happens

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a powerful tool to help improve your life. Keeping a diary allows you to become more aware of how you feel, giving you more power over those feelings. Just by writing down what happens in your day, you are helping to keep yourself calm and relaxed—writing is a great way to release stress and gain clarity. If something bad has happened, getting it out of your head through writing can also help lift your spirits. This technique works best if you write at least once per day.

The more often you do it, the better. You'll also want to make sure you're writing about what happened during your day; positive thinking will not solve any problems. Be brutally honest with yourself here. A journal should be where you go when things aren't going so well, not where you put on a fake smile while pretending everything is okay. There's no one else reading your journal, but you, so don't hold back!

Emotional Counseling

#2. Mind-Mapping

Journaling is a creative way can help you get your thoughts together. Writing out your life and all its happenings onto paper will ground you and put everything into perspective. Mind-mapping is a good alternative if you're not much of a writer.

Mind-mapping allows you to capture quick notes about various aspects of your life all on one page without worrying about organization or structure. It is also a great tool for brainstorming and mapping out plans and goals. You could even use it as a personal mood board! Just write down words or phrases relating to emotion, place, memory, etc., and link them with lines. This method has been used by many famous creatives, including Steve Jobs and Ratan Tata.

Also check: Benefits of keeping a journal during your recovery process

#3. Utilize The Stream Of Consciousness Method

One of my favorite techniques in journal writing is called stream of consciousness writing.

  • With a stream of consciousness, you free-write about whatever comes to mind and don't worry about spelling or punctuation. Get out all your thoughts in a stream-of-consciousness fashion.
  • Go with it; it's not important if you even make sense at first glance. The goal is to get all those thoughts out of your head and onto paper.

You'll be amazed at how much better you feel after getting everything off your chest!


  • Try writing down five things that are currently stressing you out, whether it's an issue at work or something more personal.
  • Once you've released some of these worries from your brain, think about what steps you can take to deal with them.
  • If there are things outside of your control, figure out what you can do to improve your attitude toward them (for example: cut back on sugar intake).
  • Try using a stream of consciousness every day for one week.
  • Afterward, reflect on any changes in mood or perspective.

Track your mood on THE WELLNESS CORNER APP, select what you resonate with or simply describe your feelings and get resource recommendations that you can benefit from.

#4. Brainstorming Exercise

This involves writing down all your thoughts in a journal and then reading it to look for connections between ideas. Brainstorming is a great way to improve creativity and get yourself thinking of new solutions. Try brainstorming with friends, family, or coworkers if you're stuck on an idea. The collaboration will stimulate your thought process and help you develop ideas you might not have had otherwise. It can also make work more enjoyable because you can bounce ideas off one another and improve their concepts.

#5. Visualization

You've heard of it before; you might have even tried it. It's imagining something in your mind so vividly that you start to believe it. The neat thing about visualizing is there are no limits—there are few laws of physics to stop you from seeing whatever you wish to see. Try it with some success, and affirmations, and watch as your life changes for good!

Here's how?

In a quiet place where you won't be disturbed, close your eyes and think about what it would feel like if everything were already exactly how you wanted it to be. Imagine every little detail—how do things look? What do people say? How do you feel? Focus on all five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste). After a while, try saying aloud what it feels like when everything is perfect.


Achieving a balance between mind and body is one of life's biggest hurdles. Fortunately, if you follow these simple journaling techniques and make them a regular part of your day, you'll be well on your way to achieving your life goals.

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