Coronavirus Re-Infection: Can You Get Covid-19 Twice?

  • 41 months ago
4 minute read.
Coronavirus Re-Infection: Can You Get Covid-19 Twice?

According to statistica data, as many as 153.5 million cases have been recorded globally and almost 131 million people have recovered from Covid-19. India is one of the countries that is grappling during the second coronavirus wave due to the shortage of oxygen cylinders, jammed hospitals, and unavailability of vaccines during the 3rd phase of vaccination drive for 18+ aged people. Increasing cases have raised many concerns and fears, one of which is- Can Covid-19 happen twice to an individual?

Yes, You Can Get Infected Again

Scientists and doctors have encountered cases where individuals have got re-infected by SARS-CoV-2 after recovering from Covid-19. Certain researches (Journal of infection) state the re-occurrence of the disease and risk of reinfection only up to 7%.

Re-infection does not occur instantly after the first one since the patient has antibodies in the system that are still building protection, but an infected person can get reinfected after 3 months or so. There is no such evidence of a patient getting it within 1-3 months from 1st coronavirus infection.

Most of the second-time cases were found asymptomatic and it was also discussed that since the virus mutates, the previous one may still be shedding. But the CDC study also mentioned that second time infection is worse than the first reason irrespective of whatever caused it. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends getting vaccinated as an important way to protect oneself from the possibility of getting the coronavirus again.

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Senior Citizens At a High Risk of Getting Re-Infected by COVID-19

Senior citizens of 65 age and above have more chances of getting re-infected due to newer virus mutations and existing illnesses in this age group. Very few young people got Covid-19 twice as compared to older people during the initial phase of infection. While studies and researches are still not clear about the complications during the second-time infection but one thing they are sure of is- As a person gets old, their T cells (immunity cells) stop functioning properly leading to poor protection from illnesses.

If your grandparents, or any old age member in your home are feeling unwell, please get them tested. With RT-PCR sample collection test facility, you can get them and anyone else for that matter tested from home.

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Diseases That Can Make You Vulnerable To Re-Infection

#1 Diabetes

People with diabetes Type-1 and Type-2 have a weak immune and just like chances of catching any other flu, they are at a greater risk of getting re-infected by the novel coronavirus. Along with common Covid-19 symptoms, they can suffer from skin infections. Covid recovery for such patients can stretch up to 6 months!

#2 Thyroid

Hormonal disbalance drops the immunity levels in your body and is yet another factor that can increase the risk of Covid-19 re-infection. If the hormones keep fluctuating, they can weaken your system’s ability to fight against the virus. People with thyroid need to be very careful and monitor their routine to prevent themselves from this deadly infection. Having healthy meals is a must for diabetic people and you can even ask our dietitian on The Wellness Corner app for a customized plan to help you combat the rise of such a situation.

#3 Chronic Respiratory Diseases

If anyone is already suffering from Asthma, pulmonary hypertension, lung diseases, and breathing problems, it directly affects the immunity of a person. There is an increased risk of re-infection and complications in people with these comorbidities. Coronavirus can damage the respiratory system faster than anyone can predict and so people with respiratory disorders should take extra precautions to reduce the risk of getting Covid-19 more than once.

Bottom Line

The chances of getting Covid-19 twice are very rare but that doesn’t mean its possibility is zero. The effect of antibodies can last up to 3-8 months and may prevent a second infection but the point is, different bodies respond distinctly. Not everyone develops the same immunity power even after getting the same kind of vaccination jab.

The biggest challenge then was to find a cure for the deadly coronavirus but the biggest challenge now is to unify people to get vaccinated. Don’t let the sleepless nights of our corona warriors go in vain. If you are eligible, it is best to get yourself vaccinated because there’s nothing more valuable than the life you are blessed with. Save the world from another mass destruction by saving yourself! #IndiaFightsCorona

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