Cure Cracked Heels. Make Your Feet Beautiful

  • 23 months ago
2 minute read.
Cure Cracked Heels. Make Your Feet Beautiful

Dry, cracked and chapped feet is a common problem. But we tend to ignore it in our busy lives. Healthy, clean feet is as important as other parts of our body. Here are a few tips for beautiful feet -

  • Massage vegetable oil on the dry and cracked areas after washing the feet clean; wear a pair of thick socks. Leave it overnight and see positive results in few days.
  • Apply the pulp of a ripe banana (half avocado and fresh coconut can also be added) on the dry or cracked area of the heel. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse it clean.
  • Soak the feet in lemon juice for about 10 minutes. Follow this therapy on a weekly basis until one finds a change.
  • Soak the feet in warm soapy water for about 15 minutes. Rinse feet and pat dry. Make a mixture comprising of: one teaspoon Vaseline and the juice of one lemon. Rub this mixture onto the cracked heels and other required areas of the feet till it is thoroughly absorbed. Repeat daily until visible results are obtained.
  • A regular application of a mixture of glycerin and rosewater is known to soothe and cure cracked heels.
  • Apply a mixture of paraffin wax and mustard oil on the dry or cracked area of the heels. Rinse it off in the morning. A continuous application for 10 to 15 days can achieve desirable results
  • Apply a deep moisturizing lotion or Vaseline and put on the socks to cover it for some time. This method will protect the feet from excessive dryness.
  • You could also heat up some Coconut oil, add some wax into it and after cooling apply it onto your heels.
  • Another solution is to melt paraffin wax and mix it well with little mustard oil. Apply on the affected area of your heels. Wash it off in the morning. Do this for 10 or 15 days and see the difference.
  • A regular application of a mixture of glycerin and rosewater is known to soothe and cure cracked heels.
  • Grind a handful of rice (into coarse flour). Add a few spoons of raw honey and apple cider vinegar to obtain a thick paste. If the cracks are very deep, you can add a spoon of olive oil/ almond oil to the paste. Soak your feet for 20 minutes and then gently massage them with this paste.
  • Always wash your feet properly whenever you come from outside. Sleep after washing your feet.

Try these tips to heal your feet and enhance your beauty and keep it attractive!

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