Are E-Cigarettes/Vapes/Hookah Less Harmful Than Ordinary Cigarettes?

  • 27 months ago
3 minute read.
Are E-Cigarettes/Vapes/Hookah Less Harmful Than Ordinary Cigarettes?

Many people have switched to e-cigarettes/vapes/hookah from ordinary cigarettes because they’re thought to be less harmful, but recent studies suggest that this may not be the case.

The dangers of e-cigarettes can include an increased risk of cardiac events, depression, anxiety, and even cancer, depending on what chemicals are used in the device and how it’s made and used.

As more research into the dangers of e-cigarettes becomes available, more people may decide to switch back to ordinary cigarettes instead – if so, now would be the time to start looking into quitting smoking altogether!

What are e-cigarettes, and how do they work?

E-cigarettes are hand-held electronic devices that turn nicotine, flavorings and other chemicals into an aerosol inhaled by users. E-cigarettes have been marketed as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes because they don’t contain all of the toxic chemicals present in tobacco smoke.

However, e-cigarettes may still be dangerous for your respiratory health. E-cigarette vapor contains many of the same cancer-causing agents found in regular cigarette smoke, including formaldehyde and diacetyl—which have been linked to lung disease when inhaled over long periods.

Additionally, e-cigarette liquids often contain heavy metals like nickel or tin, which can also cause respiratory problems when inhaled over time.

Types of e-cigarettes?

  • Cigalikes: Small, disposable e-cigarettes that look like real cigarettes.
  • Vape pens: Larger and more powerful E-cigs with refillable tanks.
  • Vape mods: The most powerful e-cigs on the market, with large tanks. They look like traditional e-cigs but are much larger. They also produce bigger clouds of vapour that have more nicotine per puff.
  • E-liquid: E-cig juice or e-juice is what’s inside your e-cigarette cartridge or tank. It contains propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), flavorings, and nicotine.
  • Disposable e-cigs: Disposable e-cigs are often called cigalikes, and they look like small, cigarette sized batteries. They don’t require a charger or refillable tanks. You can throw them away when they run out of e-liquid, often just a few puffs. These products tend to have lower nicotine levels (around 1 to 4 per cent).

Also read: Tips to cope with smoking slips

Are they safe compared to ordinary cigarettes?

E-Cigarettes are believed to be safer than tobacco products; However, E-cigarette vapour contains nicotine and other chemicals that can irritate your lungs when you inhale them. Nicotine is addictive and can harm your respiratory health if you use e-cigarettes for long periods. In addition, e-cigarette vapour may contain cancer-causing chemicals like formaldehyde.

Dangers of e-cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes and their vaporizing cousins may be marketed as a safer alternative to conventional smokes, but they still pose major risks to respiratory health. E-cigarette users were exposed to higher toxins like acrolein and formaldehyde compared with traditional cigarette smokers.

#1. Heart disease: Nicotine raises blood pressure and heart rate, so it’s not a good idea for people with heart problems. Smoking can trigger a heart attack in people who already have cardiovascular disease. Nicotine increases platelet aggregation, which causes blood to clot more easily. This can increase your risk of stroke or heart attack.

#2. Lung disease: Nicotine constricts blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to your lungs and makes it harder for them to get oxygen into your bloodstream. It can also cause chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer.

Also check: Deep breathing exercises that help fight the urge to smoke

#3. Pregnancy: Women who smoke while pregnant increase their risk of miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, and complications during labour. They’re also more likely to deliver a baby with a low birth weight, which increases their child’s chances of health problems later in life.

#4. Vaping delivers nicotine, which is harmful: Nicotine in e-cigarette liquid or vapour causes blood vessels to narrow and increases heart rate and blood pressure. It can also increase your risk of having a stroke.

#5. Cancer: E-cigarette vapour contains many cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco smoke, including formaldehyde and acrolein.

#6. Oral health: E-cigarettes can stain your teeth and cause bad breath.

#7. Brain damage: Nicotine interferes with normal brain development in teens, affecting learning, memory, attention span, and behaviour.

#8. Other risks: E-cigarette users are exposed to higher toxins like acrolein and formaldehyde compared with traditional cigarette smokers.

Will an e-cigarette help to stop smoking?

E-cigarettes have been proven to help people stop smoking in some cases. Using an e-cigarette can help you manage your nicotine cravings and reduce your nicotine dependence. However, e-cigarettes are not a magic bullet for everyone, and there is no guarantee that they will work for you.

If you want to use e-cigarettes to quit smoking, you must use them with other support, such as professional counselling or medication from your doctor.


Vaping, hookah smoking, and any other non-tobacco use are entirely pointless. They’re not a safer alternative to tobacco products; they usually don’t help you quit smoking; they don’t help you cut down on your cigarette consumption. They make it easier for you to continue using nicotine in some form or another—a drug that is incredibly addictive and has been proven to be extremely detrimental to your health in every way imaginable.

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