Keep Your Heart Healthy During Winter

  • 20 months ago
3 minute read.
Keep Your Heart Healthy During Winter

We all enjoy the winter season. Who doesn't love sipping hot appetizers and having warm comfort food, especially sweets? The winter season is also associated with festivals, holidays, and a lot of fun and celebration with friends and family. However, our heart's vulnerability increases during the winter season.

During the winter, the number of individuals who die from heart disease and stroke rises. Fortunately, these illnesses can also be avoided by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Read on to learn why winter is often called "heart attack season" and what you can do to reduce your risks.

How does the winter season affect heart health?

People are more likely to become ill with the common cold, fever, or flu in cold weather. Winter can be very difficult for cardiac patients. A drop in temperature can cause a variety of changes in our bodies. To maintain blood circulation and keep our bodies warm, the heart has to work twice as hard. Blood vessels may contract as a result of a lower temperature. It may result in reduced oxygen and nutrition flow to heart muscles, jeopardizing overall heart health.

Winter also increases the risk of acquiring blood clots. In the winter, blood pressure and cholesterol levels may rise. High levels of cholesterol and blood pressure may raise the risk of a heart attack.

How can you determine if your heart needs help?

Not all heart conditions come with warning signs. Always remain vigilant about any signs and immediately seek medical attention. If you are suffering any of the following symptoms, get immediate medical attention:

1. Any discomfort or pain in the chest

2. During a heart attack, some people may experience heartburn, indigestion, and stomach pain.

3. At times, there is no chest discomfort, but there might be a pain in the shoulder and arm.

4. Dizziness

5. Wheezing and shortness of breath

6. Cough that lasts for a long time in a heart patient

7. Easily exhausted

8. Sweating in the absence of physical activity

Get yourself tested by opting Heart Health Comprehensive Package to keep an eye on your current health status.


1. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption or smoking

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause your body to overheat, which can be harmful when you are outside in the cold. Because the body adjusts to temperature slowly, drink wisely in moderation (not more than two drinks a week). Avoid smoking at all costs. Cigarette smoking is one of the leading causes of heart disease and heart failure.

2. Stay warm, especially if you have heart issues

Cold temperatures can cause your blood vessels to clamp down. Hence, dress in warm layers before stepping out. If your body gets overheated, remove a layer until you have released enough heat. Too much heat might cause your blood vessels to dilate and severely drop your blood pressure.

3. Do not skip exercises

A sedentary lifestyle is a major contributor to lifestyle diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. However, going outside in the cold early in the morning may be risky. Choose indoor activities such as yoga, pilates, or simple routines in your living room instead.

4. Try to manage your stress

Take breaks from work, engage in hobbies or activities like gardening or painting, try yoga at home, and meditate. The goal is not just to warm the body but to provide

5. Go for regular health checkups

Even if you have no medical history, everyone must get regular health checkups. The frequency of checkups may vary depending on factors such as age, overall health, family history, etc. We advise you to consult a healthcare provider to determine the best care plan for your needs.

In a nutshell

During the winter season, low temperatures, pollution, and other factors may increase the risk of heart disease. Chilly weather can be harsh on your heart. However, with the appropriate lifestyle, you can make your heart enjoy this lovely season. Also, do not ignore any symptoms and visit your doctor right away. Any delay in diagnosing and treating heart problems can be fatal, increasing the risk of complications. Give your heart the care it needs.

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