The Impact of Food on Your Workout Performance: What and When to Eat

  • 36 months ago
4 minute read.
The Impact of Food on Your Workout Performance: What and When to Eat

Food is the foundation of our body's immunity and performance. It gives us the energy to battle various physical diseases and improve our daily activity limitations, speed, and strength. While browsing the markets, a variety of dietary supplements may be of use to individuals, but none of them can replace the nutrient supply provided by real food.

For the younger generation, athletes, and those who work out, food and nutrition are crucial. A diet rich in whole-food carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and plenty of plant sources high in micronutrients and antioxidants will provide the best nutritional balance for optimal performance.

Basic Dietary Requirements

●  The food taken by a person should boost their energy and get rid of their fatigue.

● A diet should be balanced and contain the correct proportion of nutrients.

● Foods taken should help a person to recover from injuries faster.

● It should boost a person’s immunity and prevent them from contracting diseases.

A healthy diet for someone who actively works out should consist of about 50% carbs, 15% proteins, 25% fats, and the rest should be roughage, vitamins, and minerals. As we know, the breakdown of carbohydrates provides a large amount of our body's energy. Hence, if a person works out more intensely, they can increase their carbohydrate intake to meet the energy expenditure.

The carbohydrates are broken down during the glycogen cycle, releasing energy in the form of ATP and serving as the fuel for our bodies. They are the main ingredients that keep our bodies running and provide energy. However, the present research shows that dieticians and nutritionists recommend a carb and protein intake based on a person’s body weight, making it more precise.

There is a strong relationship between how a person performs and what nutrition they get to keep their body working. Without a proper nutrition plan, one cannot continue performing essential tasks, exercising, or staying healthy.

Nutrition and exercise are the primary elements of good health. You can only perform well as long as you possess enough energy, which comes from the food that you eat. To make the most out of your body’s performance, you need to get enough micro and macronutrients. Carbohydrates are the native source of energy. Proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants are also crucial.

Pre- and Post-workout Food: When and What to Eat

Individuals who work out rigorously should eat a high-carbohydrate meal three hours before they exercise. It will ensure their bodies have adequate energy and create a high-performance output. Before exercising, they should avoid eating foods high in fats and proteins since this may cause indigestion.

Pre-workout Meals

Peanut butter and bread are good pre-workout meals because they provide enough carbohydrates to give your body the energy it needs. Skimmed milk and oats are also popular choices. Some people opt for smoothies since they contain fruits that are high in antioxidants. Finally, bananas are excellent pre-workout foods.

Post-workout Meals

Toast and eggs are the perfect blend of carbs and proteins to boost your body’s performance and enhance muscle-building after working out. Other meal options include milk, fruits, yogurt, salad, and grilled chicken or tofu with brown rice.

Importance of Hydration

Hydration is crucial for our bodies since water makes up more than 70% of our body weight. It aids in the maintenance of our body temperature and the management and regulation of our fluid balance. A good fluid balance keeps us awake, prevents sleepiness and fatigue, and enhances our concentration. Staying hydrated is essential for being alert and energized and performing optimally.

As we know, our body requires water to avoid experiencing fatigue and tiredness. As far as working out is concerned, one should have at least two cups of water an hour before exercising, followed by small sips while working out at 20-minute intervals. Finally, you should replenish the water lost through sweat after working out, preferably with glucose and essential salts.

Role of Anti-inflammatory Foods

Inflammation occurs as a bodily response to foreign substances. Our white blood cells fight against these substances and protect us from life-threatening infections. Therefore, we should consume food products containing anti-inflammatory properties.

Nuts are linked to lower levels of inflammation and lower risks of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in studies. Coffee may help to prevent inflammation since it contains polyphenols and other anti-inflammatory chemicals.

Some of the essential anti-inflammatory foods one should have are as follows.

●       Turmeric

●       Green tea

●       Avocados

●       Mushrooms

●       Berries

Role of Micronutrients

Micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals, are essential for healthy growth, illness prevention, and overall well-being. Even though humans only require modest amounts of micronutrients, it is necessary to consume the appropriate quantity. Deficits in micronutrients can have serious implications. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies affect at least half the children under the age of five globally.

Some important food sources of micronutrients for our body are as follows.

●       Citrus fruits

●       Wheat

●       Fruits

●       Nuts

●       Tomatoes

Role of Antioxidants

Antioxidants play a crucial role in inducing faster muscle recovery. Whenever our muscles undergo strain, get injured, or become fragile, antioxidants come into action and instantly help in recovery. Some essential antioxidant sources for people who work out are fruits, of which berries such as raspberries, cranberries, strawberries, and red currants are the most potent.


Working out and food are closely related. As long as you eat and exercise well, your body will remain healthy and you will have the energy to do whatever you are required to do without experiencing tiredness or fatigue. To have a proper balance of nutrients, you should eat a well-rounded, energy-rich diet comprising all the essential nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other micronutrients.

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