Nostalgia – Is Missing The Past Good Or Bad For You?

  • 26 months ago
5 minute read.
Nostalgia – Is Missing The Past Good Or Bad For You?

Before the term nostalgia entered the English lexicon, the same feeling and experience were called longing or homesickness, which were more recognized terms at the time.

Even though nostalgic feelings can be positive or negative, positive nostalgia allows you to think back on past experiences with fondness, while negative nostalgia can cause you to think back on past experiences with sadness and longing that things are not as they once were. Positive nostalgia can help you feel good in ways similar to smiling, laughing, and helping others; whereas negative nostalgia can make you feel bad in ways similar to worry, anger and sadness.

When being nostalgic is positive?

Many people suffer from nostalgia disorder, which causes them to miss their past and long for it. But nostalgia can also be good for you. The key to maximizing your positive feelings when nostalgic about your past is to let go of unrealistic expectations about how things used to be and enjoy present-day moments that help you feel similar emotions as you did during the most cherished times in your life.

How nostalgia can be good for your health and well-being?

Hidden benefits for your mind, health, and relationships

What many don’t realize, however, is that nostalgia has numerous benefits for your mind, health, and relationships. Nostalgia can be used to cope with depression and stress; it promotes self-esteem and a greater appreciation of life; it helps people focus on meaningful information and socialize better with others. It also enhances our creativity and problem-solving skills. Studies have shown that nostalgia increases happiness while decreasing anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder as well as decreases loneliness in seniors living alone.

  • Nostalgic memories of our past help us process negative events and move on from them faster.
  • Nostalgic memories can help us to establish a strong connection with other people and strengthen our relationships.
  • With nostalgic memories, we can look back at what was good in our lives without dwelling on the negatives.
  • It also provides comfort when we’ve experienced something tragic and reminds us that there were many great moments before the tragedy occurred.
  • Nostalgic memories can help us to become more tolerant and forgiving towards others.

When does nostalgia become a mental health issue?

Feelings of longing and grief are likely to occur after a person loses someone they love. It can mimic depression and turn into a nostalgia disorder.

It can lead to hopelessness and thoughts of suicide. Some people experience nostalgia as an issue that never truly goes away. They can get lost in it and become depressed about their past life and relationships because they’re missing their loved ones too much.

Sometimes, nostalgia can be a side effect of depression.

It can also cause us to become overly nostalgic, which could lead to feelings of depression if we don’t move forward in our lives. A good therapist will likely be able to help you sort out what feels good about nostalgia and when it’s something you should let go of.

Nostalgia troubles

#1. Can’t stop reminiscing:

Nostalgia can cause people to feel like they’re missing out on something. If you find yourself always looking back instead of moving forward, it might be time to seek help from a mental health professional.

#2. Nostalgic depression:

Nostalgia can lead to depression, where you’re constantly looking back on times that were better in your life. If these feelings start to get worse and you find yourself reminiscing about things from your past that aren’t even good memories, it could be a sign of nostalgic depression.

#3. Can’t enjoy good things:

Overindulging in nostalgia can keep you from enjoying life to its fullest. How much nostalgia is too much? It depends on how it’s affecting your daily life and how much you enjoy other things anymore. If everything seems boring because you're stuck in the past, it's time to take steps towards letting go.

#4. Always longing for your childhood:

As adults, we need to let go of our old lives so we can create new ones. However, when we use nostalgia as an escape route, it causes us to not make progress in our lives. To let go of those nostalgic troubles (nostalgia-related issues), find ways to remember what made you happy at different points in your life while also keeping your head focused on future goals and plans.

#5. Can’t focus on future goals:

When you indulge in nostalgia too often, it can be hard to stay focused on any future goals or plans. Even if things are happening now that seem uninteresting if you're still trying to live in the past, how do you expect anything else to be more interesting? Make time every day for hobbies and activities that don't involve living off of memory lane.

How to Let Go?

For most of us, nostalgia is a bittersweet experience. It’s painful to think about how much we miss something in our past and wish we could relive it. It’s also not realistic to always hang on to every little memory of our past—sometimes it’s best to let go. If you want a healthy and happy relationship with your memories, here are some tips on how to let go of nostalgia that no longer serves you.

  • Focus on what you can learn from the nostalgic feelings:

What was it like before the days of air conditioning? What was my favorite toy as a child? What did I enjoy doing as a child more than anything else?

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  • Use nostalgia as an opportunity to reflect on who you are now:

Have I changed significantly since then? Do I still have some of the same qualities and interests that made me who I am today?

  • Embrace change:

Nostalgia often appears when things change; if you get comfortable with change and realize that things will continue to be different, nostalgia should be less likely to creep up. Remember that nothing stays the same forever; instead, embrace these changes as an opportunity for growth.

  • Consult a therapist:

If you’re having trouble letting go of negative memory, it can be helpful to talk to a therapist about how best to address your situation. A professional can help you work through your feelings so that you have a healthier relationship with your past.



Nostalgia can provide positive benefits, but it does come with some downsides. Although we long to revisit past memories, it’s important to remember that these cherished moments in time are gone and will never be recaptured. By reliving these memories from our past, we’re missing out on new experiences and opportunities in our present. Rather than spending too much time thinking about what was, shift your focus to what can be.

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