Power of Positive Affirmations for Enhanced Productivity

  • 36 months ago
3 minute read.
Power of Positive Affirmations for Enhanced Productivity

“This is not my cup of tea”

“I can’t do this”

“How will I get there?”

“I am not good enough”

Negative thoughts can block our minds and create hindrances in the way of our success. Thinking that way can also affect your self-confidence and motivation.

But, imagine that you had complete control of your actions, from starting tasks smoothly and moving on effectively to another. Imagine a situation that didn’t feel tiring, away from distractions, constantly moving towards productivity- in a nutshell-where everything would have been at your best. We all crave such a life.

What if all this was really possible with the help of daily positive affirmations? Don’t believe us? Why not give it a try.

Do positive affirmations really work?

Indeed they do and it is no magic. Yes. It is scientifically proven. The power of positive affirmations is based on widely-accepted and authenticated psychological theories. According to them, “Self-affirmations can restore self-competence by allowing individuals to reflect on sources of self-worth, such as core values.”

The funda is simple when you repeat them regularly, and believe that they’ll work, you begin to make positive changes. Eventually, your faith in your capabilities amplifies and constant reminders help you transform those thoughts into achievable actions.

In which situations can you use these affirmations?

You can use these positive affirmations in whichever situation where you'd like to see a positive change, for instance-

  • When you find yourself getting anxious before a presentation and need an immediate confidence booster.
  • To control feelings of disappointment, or anger.
  • To improve your self-esteem and motivate yourself to reach your goals
  • Improve your productivity and finish projects you've started
  • Overcome a bad habit or adopt a new habit

Affirmations to enhance productivity

Here are affirmations to increase productivity and take control of your time and life-

  • I have the right capabilities to finish this project.
  • My work will be appreciated positively by my seniors and co-workers.
  • Yes. I can do this for sure!
  • I respect my team and they value my opinion.
  • I am successful.
  • My honesty in work will get paid off.
  • I like accomplishing tasks on time.
  • I'm thankful for the job I have.
  • I am grateful for a good life
  • I appreciate my team.
  • I'm bringing a positive outlook to work every day.
  • I am great at what I do.
  • I am bountiful.
  • I am fortunate.
  • I am happy.
  • I love my work and life.
  • I will be a leader in my organization.
  • My work makes me happy.

Emotional Counseling

Write your own affirmations

  • Give a thought about what you truly need to change in your life- Example: I need to be more collaborative while working with my team. Write down the areas want to work and make sure they are motivational enough for you to take a step forward.
  • Be realistic- Do not set unrealistic expectations or goals. If you want higher pay, do not affirm that “I will get a hike next week” out of nowhere. Take a moment and think on what basis will your company give you a hike? Is it the start of a new year? Have you performed extraordinarily well? And if there is nothing like that, you are probably working on a wrong affirmation.
  • Turn down the negative thoughts- When a negative thought strikes your mind, note it down and then write the opposite. Turn the negatives into positives.
  • Believe what you write- Affirmations are not magical spells. Write a positive affirmation with your whole heart and feeling. Always remember “When you truly believe you can do something, your actions often follow.”

If you are struggling with overwhelming thoughts, inner conflict or an emotional trauma which is making it hard for you to write affirmations; consult a counselor on The Wellness Corner for guidance. Seeking help isn't a weakness.

Bottom line

By including these positive affirmations in your day, you can get more and more done. Negative thoughts and negative self-talk don't magically go away, but if you pay attention to your thinking and say these positive affirmations, you can find more peace and focus on your work in a better way.

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