Sickness Caused By Weather Change? Here's What You Can Do.

  • 23 months ago
4 minute read.
Sickness Caused By Weather Change? Here's What You Can Do.

You’ve probably heard your coworkers complain about being sick as the weather gets warmer and summertime kicks in. Or, perhaps you’re noticing that every time the temperature drops, your allergies act up and make it difficult to breathe without sneezing all over yourself.

It seems as if our bodies just can’t handle drastic changes in the weather, no matter what time of year it is. There are many causes of sickness other than just the weather, but it can certainly be one of them.

In this article, we will discuss what sicknesses and symptoms could be related to weather change and how to deal with them best so that you don’t have to miss work and school or have social activities ruined because of an unfortunate turn of events!

Why do people fall ill due to changing weather?

Hypothermia, or the loss of body temperature, is one of the major causes of illness in individuals who don't have a strong immunity to cold temperatures. When your body temperature is lowered it can cause weakness, shivering, and difficulty concentrating.

This may lead to other health complications such as pneumonia and heart problems. These risks are heightened in individuals that are already sick or elderly people with weak immune systems and low blood pressure.

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Know the common symptoms caused by weather change

Weather change is a frequent cause of sickness, especially hypothermia and hot-to-cold weather sickness. Symptoms can include weakness, shivering, dizziness, headaches, and nausea. If you experience these symptoms after a weather change it is important to boost your immunity by eating fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking lots of fluids. Here are some common health issues due to weather changes that people may not realize:

Decreased blood flow

Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures will cause decreased blood flow which may result in tingling or numbness in the fingers and toes.


Lack of food intake and body temperature fluctuations from the drop in temperature might lead to low blood sugar levels.


Infections decrease immunity caused by wintertime conditions can also lead to disease as well as other illnesses such as colds and flu. People with weak immune systems should take extra precautions when going outside for long periods during this time of year because they are more susceptible to illness.

Sore throat

Sore throats often accompany fever and runny noses. A sore throat accompanied by a fever over 100 degrees F could be bacterial pharyngitis or strep throat, both of which require medical treatment if left untreated.


Aches caused by the decrease in temperature. Heavy clothing, blankets, and warm baths can help ease the discomfort while boosting your immunity.

Tips to boost health and immunity

If you experience these symptoms after a weather change it is important to boost your immunity by eating fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking lots of fluids. It’s also important to keep an eye on weak immune systems by avoiding people who are sick and getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

When the weather changes from hot to cold, it can cause sickness and make you sick. Here are some things you can do to help boost your health and immunity.

  1. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
  2. Reduce stress by taking time for yourself like reading or listening to music.
  3. Use products that have anti-inflammatory properties like lavender oil, frankincense oil, or ginger extract on the body for relief.
  4. Eat a balanced diet that includes antioxidant-rich foods such as oranges, green vegetables, and berries because they are high in vitamin C which helps strengthen immune systems.
  5. Take care of your mental state by practicing yoga and breathing exercises.
  6. Eat high-energy foods like bananas or oatmeal (especially good for breakfast) to give your immune system a boost; Drink ginger tea because it has been shown to relieve congestion, nausea, and pain.

Lifestyle changes for better health

Hot-to-cold weather sickness is a term used to describe the symptoms of your body going into shock because of a sudden change in temperature, which can include headaches, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms making changes in your lifestyle could help reduce the severity of your condition.

Some things you might want to do are take time for rest and relaxation, stay hydrated with water or sports drinks, get as much sleep as possible and if feeling better eat small portions at meals instead of one big meal.

  1. Stay active to get better quicker
  2. Stay hydrated at all times
  3. Never leave home without being prepared
  4. Drink lots of fluids before, during, and after exercise to avoid dehydration
  5. Try not to go outside when it's too hot or too cold - this will make it worse!
  6. Stay inside when possible to avoid infections from other people who may be ill.
  7. Take extra care of your hands with moisturizer, hand sanitizer, and gloves when you are outside for long periods during these colder months so that you don't catch a cold!
  8. Stay warm by wearing clothes that will keep you warm in colder weather like hats, scarves, and gloves.


It may be difficult to avoid sickness in the face of a drastic weather change, but there are some steps you can take to help get through it. The first is to keep your immunity up by eating well and getting plenty of rest. The second is to find ways to stay active and not dwell on your symptoms; even if it’s just taking a walk or doing light housework, it will feel better than sitting around all day feeling sorry for yourself!

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