Constant Hunger During Pregnancy: Causes and Suggestions to Manage Increased Appetite

  • 29 months ago
2 minute read.
Constant Hunger During Pregnancy: Causes and Suggestions to Manage Increased Appetite


There is nothing that can make you question your sanity like pregnancy hunger in the first trimester. Do you feel as if you are never full? Craving constantly for food is quite common during pregnancy. Expectant mothers usually face hunger pangs once their morning sickness fades.

Hunger during pregnancy can be tremendously intense and challenging. It is the time your body indicates what it needs to grow your baby and sustain itself. While satiating your hunger is a normal part of a relationship with food, hunger pangs during pregnancy can feel confusing.

The organs of your body are working overtime to develop the baby. Therefore, experiencing hunger pangs and eating more food is not bad. In other words, it is natural to feel constantly hungry.

Are you pregnant and always hungry? Learning why you are experiencing constant hunger pangs can help you to curb your appetite.

Hunger Pangs Reasons During Pregnancy

It doesn’t take a medical degree to comprehend that growing a tiny human involves significant work and the reason why your body demands extra energy from food. There are also many changes happening within your body during pregnancy.

For instance, your uterus grows from the size of a pear to a basketball to accommodate the baby. Moreover, changing hormones can also affect your pregnancy hunger. Fluctuations in progesterone and estrogen can augment your appetite during pregnancy.

Is Constant Hunger a Sign of Pregnancy?

You will probably experience food cravings during your first trimester itself. However, hunger pangs alone aren’t proof that you are pregnant. Missed periods, tender breasts, and morning sickness are the common signs that indicate pregnancy.

Steps to Tackle Increased Appetite During Pregnancy

Don’t fret if you are feeling an increase in your appetite during pregnancy. An enhanced appetite is an ordinary sign of a healthy, growing baby. Here are some strategies that will help you manage your cravings during pregnancy.

● Eat at Regular Intervals

It is advised to eat something every two to three hours. It will help you keep your increased appetite at bay.

● Include Sufficient Nutrients

It is essential to be aware of healthy food choices during pregnancy. Include those foods in your diet that have ample amounts of protein, complex carbs, and fiber.

● Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking enough water during pregnancy aids your body with easy digestion. It will also help the nutrients disperse across the body.

Healthy Food Choices During Pregnancy

Make wise food choices to avoid hunger pangs during pregnancy.

● Steer away from foods that are high in sugar, sodium, and saturated fats. They lack essential nutrients and dehydrate your body, making your cravings worse.

● Look for high-protein, high-fiber alternatives. Try eating carrot and cucumber sticks with Greek yogurt or hummus as a midday snack. Stock up on whole-grain toast, crackers, and low-fat cheese.

● Replace your simple carbs with complex carbs. For instance, pick brown rice over white rice, have oats for breakfast, and eat whole wheat rotis and bread.

Final Words

The best way to address increased appetite is by following intuitive eating principles. As an intuitive eater, you will be able to tune into your body and its hunger cues. Intuitive eating also teaches you that hunger is not something to be afraid of. Following a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and drinking plenty of water are the best ways to deal with hunger pangs during pregnancy.

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