Truworth Gym Male Package in Lucknow

includes 82 tests



Not every exercise is meant for everyone. So, before you start working out get yourself tested with Truworth Gym Male Package and prevent yourself from unwanted injuries. This at-home health test has been designed especially for males and covers 81 important health parameters. Simply click the button below to book the test now. For accurate test reports 10 hours of fasting before the sample collection is necessary. Timely screening can help you in avoiding illnesses and with Truworth Truworth Gym Male Package you can keep a track of your health in the best way


FREE Sample Collection

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    Report Time: 36-48 Hours

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    Fasting Time: Fasting Required for 10-12 Hours

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    Test Recommended for: Males

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    Recommended for age: Between 20 to 60 Years

Tests Included