7 Ayurvedic Remedies To Combat Dandruff

  • 25 months ago
7 minute read.
7 Ayurvedic Remedies To Combat Dandruff

The word "dandruff" probably makes you think of your embarrassing college roommate/classmate. Or, you might have noticed flakes that fall off your scalp and cling to your hair or land on your clothing. It is one of the most common conditions but isn't contagious or serious.

Fortunately, dandruff doesn’t have to be an unspoken stigma; these Ayurvedic remedies can help you get rid of it.

Here are seven Ayurvedic remedies to combat dandruff.

The Cause of Dandruff

Although dandruff isn’t considered an actual disease, many factors can trigger it. Knowing what causes dandruff can pinpoint your specific triggers and find a more targeted treatment.

Excessive washing

The most common cause of dandruff is dry scalp from excessively washing your hair or using overly harsh shampoos on your hair. If you suffer from psoriasis, eczema, or seborrheic dermatitis, these conditions may also trigger dandruff.

Poor hygiene

While frequent washing might strip away natural oil, improper cleaning or washing just every two weeks can aggravate scalp and skin issues. By doing this, you enable the accumulation of dead cells, which gives bacteria the ideal habitat for idle growth.

Environmental irritants

Many people believe that yeast infections contribute to dandruff, but studies have not found a link between the two. Environmental irritants such as cigarette smoke and exposure to strong cold winds can also make your scalp produce excess oil and cause dandruff.


In addition, genetics may play a role in causing dandruff because many family members often share similar patterns of having it. A fungal infection called pityrosporum ovale is another possible trigger for dandruff, but research has not yet confirmed its role in causing flaking skin.

Poor diet

Dandruff can also result from a poor diet or deficiency of vitamins and minerals. For nourished, healthy hair, zinc, omega fatty acids, and vitamin B complexes are crucial. In order to avoid this issue, one must eat fresh fruits and vegetables, proteins, and healthy oils. Inflammation and dandruff might result from consuming a lot of spices, artificial colours, and flavours.

Other potential causes include:

  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes in women (specifically during pregnancy)
  • Heredity and medications like birth control pills.

You need an ally who will help you find solutions, not just medicate symptoms.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies to Combat Dandruff

There are several natural treatments that you can use at home to combat dandruff. Here are some popular ayurvedic remedies for dandruff.

#1. Neem

Neem is a highly effective natural remedy for dandruff. Apply some neem oil directly onto your scalp, massage it in and leave it overnight. You may experience itchiness or tingling when you use neem as a treatment for dandruff.


Try applying just a small amount of neem oil to start with and then increasing the dosage if you need more relief.

#2. Egg White And Lime Juice

One easy and all-natural way to soothe dry scalp is egg white and lime juice. The lime juice cleanses and removes toxins from your skin, while egg white moisturizes and strengthens hair follicles.

Please note- As per Ayurveda, eggs should not be consumed (as they are tamasic) but using them as a home remedy for scalp application isn't harmful.


Combine 1 tablespoon of lime juice with 3 tablespoons of egg white. Mix well until frothy, then apply over your scalp. Let sit for 20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with warm water. Follow up with a mild shampoo and conditioner.

Diet Plan

Provide your hair the nutrition it needs. A balanced diet can help maintain proper scalp and healthy hair.

#3. Amla

Amla is an excellent anti-dandruff agent and can be used as a natural treatment for dandruff. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidant properties, which promote new hair growth. Its other benefits include hair growth, increased blood circulation, prevention of grey hair, increased hair thickness, preventing premature greying, etc.

Simple DIY amla mask-
  • You can make a hair mask of amla powder mixed with water, yogurt, coconut milk, or olive oil and apply it to your scalp.
  • Leave it on overnight and wash it off the following day.

Amla must be eaten fresh and raw (or at least boiled briefly) for maximum benefits as its nutritional value decreases with exposure to sunlight or heat. Amla can also be included in your diet.

Also check: Hair masks for healthy hair

#4. Methi or fenugreek seeds

Eating these seeds is a standard Ayurvedic remedy for dandruff; all parts of Methi help stimulate hair growth and thickness. Additionally, it is believed that Methi may be anti-bacterial and helpful in decreasing oil production from scalp pores and reducing dandruff.

  • Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water and then grind them into a paste.
  • Apply on your scalp and leave for 20 minutes before washing off with warm water.
  • Do not use shampoo after applying Methi paste on your hair, as it will dry out your hair strands due to its astringent properties.
  • Repeat twice or thrice a week for best results.

#5. Lemon

Lemons are a natural, Ayurvedic remedy for dandruff. The vitamin C-rich fruit cleanses your scalp and soothes irritation while removing excess oil.

  • Mix three tablespoons of lemon juice with one tablespoon of water and massage it into your scalp and hair.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing out with cool water.
  • Apply once a week for best results; twice a week for stubborn cases of dandruff.
  • Try adding one teaspoon of olive oil to your mixture for added benefits.

Olive oil acts as an emollient that softens skin and hair.

It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that reduce itching and redness and slow down cell turnover rate—allowing cells time to exfoliate properly instead of shedding too quickly (causing dryness).

#6. Aloe vera

The use of aloe vera is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for dandruff. Aloe vera can help eliminate dead skin cells and remove excess oils from your scalp that cause dandruff.


To use aloe vera as a natural treatment for dandruff, massage fresh aloe vera gel onto your scalp several times per week. You can also purchase pre-made aloe vera shampoo at many health food stores and pharmacies.

#7 Yogurt

Yogurt is a natural, anti-bacterial treatment for dandruff. The lactic acid in yogurt naturally exfoliates your scalp and helps prevent dead skin cells from clogging up your pores. It also contains probiotics that are good for your gut, giving you healthier hair and skin. Yogurt is a cheap and easy-to-use alternative to expensive commercial products explicitly designed for dandruff.


Mix 2 tsp of yogurt with 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp white vinegar. Apply it thoroughly to the scalp. Keep for about 30 mins, rinse, and shampoo.

Other beneficial remedies for dandruff:

  • Coconut oil and lemon: Heat coconut oil in a bowl for two minutes. Next, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and fully combine. Before washing your hair, let it in your hair for two hours or over night. Repeat this every week.
  • Castor oil and aloe vera gel: Add two tablespoons of castor oil to one small cup of aloe vera gel. Rub your scalp gently  with this. Wash it off the day after letting it rest all night. Do this once every week.
  • Buttermilk and Triphala Churna: Mix 1 tbsp of triphala churna into 2 glasses of buttermilk, then leave it overnight. Use this medicated buttermilk to wash your hair the next morning, followed by a gentle shampoo. Do it two times each week.

Also try: Egg & honey deep conditioner for healthy hair

Try These Simple Things To Keep Dandruff At Bay

  • Do not wash your hair excessively as this will cause dryness which triggers dandruff formation.
  • Brush your hair after washing (after it dries) to distribute oil evenly on the scalp.
  • Relax and avoid stress. Stress is found to be one of the causes of dandruff.
  • Massage your hair regularly with olive oil. Olive oil has been found to be effective in getting rid of dandruff.
  • Keep your head covered while going out in the sun. Sun's UV rays can dry your hair causing dandruff.
  • Avoid sharing your comb/brush with anyone.
  • Avoid using chemical based shampoos and conditioners. Use natural ones.
  • If nothing seems to working for you, please consult a dermatologist for evaluation.


People are more susceptible to health problems like dandruff because of an aging population. There are many different causes of dandruff, and many treatment options are available.

While some remedies use synthetic chemicals, it is advisable to use natural treatments for dandruff since they have no side effects and give better results. Before applying any treatment, you must understand your hair and your scalp’s condition before treating them with medicine.

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