Emotional Wellbeing Toolkit: Ways To Look After Your Mental Health

  • 40 months ago
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Emotional Wellbeing Toolkit: Ways To Look After Your Mental Health

Definition of a perfect life doesn’t exist because we all have different perceptions about happiness. What’s good for you might be a nightmare for someone out there. Similarly, while some people feel caged at home and just can’t wait to get back to ‘normal life’, others have found comfort at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. What’s the reason behind such a difference in lockdown experiences? Well, it all narrows down to ‘Quality of life’ even if that means living with less because it’s ultimately about your inner feelings.

First of all, know that these sudden changes in your behavior are taking a toll on your mental peace, it is happening because you are allowing it to be that way! If you start making small changes in your life, you can cope up with these situations beautifully.

Our experts have curated an Emotional Wellbeing Toolkit that will help you if you’re feeling stressed, isolated, or anxious.

Emotional Wellbeing Toolkit

#1 Challenge Your Negative Thoughts

No matter how hard we try, negative thoughts keep crawling back to us and deteriorate our peace of mind. But have you realized it’s not just the external factors but your own thinking that drives these thoughts? That means, you can always question your unhelpful thoughts and deal with them realistically.

  • Pen down your negative thoughts - If an irrational or unhelpful thought like “I won’t be able to pay my rent” or “I won’t be able to finish this assignment today” crosses your mind, start noting these negative thoughts in a diary. It will help you analyze your thought pattern.
  • Question your thinking pattern - Ask yourself if the situation can be altered? Try looking back at a similar situation, maybe ask a friend who has been through the same.
  • Replace the unhelpful thought with a helpful one - Take time to replace negative thoughts with helpful and positive ways of thinking for example “I’ can request my landlord to give me a few more days” or “I’ can state my reasons and request a revised due date”.

#2 Be More Mindful in Your Daily Life

Mindfulness is being aware of your thoughts without being judgemental about them. It is about your feelings in the present moment by accepting yourself and letting go of the tight grip that leaves you feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.

  • Mindful eating - We often forget to pay attention to what we eat because we are either too stuffed with work or busy binging some series. Did you know that mindful eating can alleviate the benefits you could get from food? According to research, it helps you absorb vitamins and minerals in a better way! When you eat, appreciate each moment to strengthen the mind-gut connection.
  • Listen to your favorite song/Mindful Listening - Music is a proven source of therapy. It can rejuvenate your mood, improve sleep, reduce pain as well as halt anxiety. So turn on the volume and feel the rush of excitement as you listen to your favorite song.
  • Practice mindful productivity for your tasks - Mindful productivity helps you appreciate the little things in your daily life and allows you to focus on what’s going on with you. According to our experts, it can also help you clear up your head and maximize productivity while working from home.

#3 Practice Gratitude and Be Thankful

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” People who are grateful are the happiest. Gratitude is not just to be thankful for the good moments but also appreciating the little things that helped you get through difficult times.

  • Recall three good things - Take a moment to think of at least three good moments that happened in your day at bedtime or at the end of the day. It can be as tiny as appreciating the pleasant weather or as simple as appreciating yourself after every task completion.
  • Express yourself or say a powerful thank you - Write down what made you happy in a journal every day before you go to bed. Focus on the positivity as you write those words. Give a powerful thank you to a person who has contributed or helped you in any way for instance – your team, colleagues, family and friends etc.
  • Gratitude meditation- Spare a few minutes to meditate or self – reflection for atleast 10 mins in a day. Take deep breaths and focus on what truly matters. You can do it any time of the day and it will make you more self – aware about emotions and feelings.

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#4 Focus on What You Can Control

Stop blaming yourself whenever something goes wrong. Life is unpredictable and there will be moments that you can change. So, focus on people or situations that you can control and let go of what you can not.

  • Focus on the present - Worrying recklessly about the past and future is simply a waste of time. Notice what's around you at present. Cherish those moments. If the present moment seems difficult, challenge your thoughts and try to improve the moment.
  • Invest your energy in the right direction - Don’t put too much energy into something that doesn’t seem in your control. Make wise decisions, trust your intuition and step out of situations that drain your energy.

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#5 Stay Connected With Your Loved Ones

Have you found yourself caught in a situation when everything was falling apart and just when you were on the verge of losing hope, someone helped you restore your faith? Yes, talking to someone who loves you can pull you out of depression faster than any other remedy.

  • Reaching out to someone doesn’t make you weak - We all need a shoulder to rest on, a person to talk to when things turn sour and it’s okay, it doesn’t make you weak. Reaching out to someone is a sign of courage. It means deep down you still believe in the possibility of good to happen.
  • All you need is someone to listen - At times, you don’t even need a solution, all you need is someone to share the burden that’s suppressing your heart. So reach out to someone who will listen to you without judging you and motivate you to love yourself.

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Recognize When You Need Help

We know this is a difficult time for everyone and that is why it is important to recognize when you need help. If you feel that nothing is working in your favor or you aren’t loved by anyone, it’s not you but the negative thoughts you are battling with. Let a counsellor/therapist be your guardian angel during these times. Connect with our wellness experts on The Wellness Corner App and let us help you choose the right therapist who can make positive changes in your emotional life. Always remember, you grow through what you go through!

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