Is COVID-19 Lethal for Diabetic Patients?

  • 40 months ago
2 minute read.
Is COVID-19 Lethal for Diabetic Patients?

No, COVID-19 is not lethal for diabetes patients but the ones whose blood sugar level is not under control, more likely to get complications. Only being diabetic doesn’t affect the mortality rate because how diabetic people control their diabetes matters.

Why Does COVID-19 Aggravate in Diabetes Patients?

Undoubtedly, uncontrolled blood sugar weakens the body’s immune system and adversely affects the metabolic rate. A weakened immune system makes the body more susceptible to the virus. Diabetes further increases the inflammatory processes and even slows down the healing process of your body.

COVID-19 in Diabetic Patients

More than 425 million people globally are facing diabetes issues. Coronavirus impacts on both type-1 and type-2 forms differently. Let's understand it more closely:

Type-1 Diabetes

In this type of diabetes, beta cells do not produce insulin to regulate their blood sugar level. If you do get COVID-19, you are at greater risk for diabetes complications like diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA). DKA happens when high levels of acids called ketones build up in your blood. It can be very serious.

COVID-19 in Type 2 Diabetic patients

Type 2 diabetes, the most common type of diabetes, is an endocrine disorder during which the body cannot produce insulin properly due to its insulin resistance. People with this condition must keep their blood sugar in check and follow the right steps to avoid severe COVID complications.

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So, people with both type 1 and type2  diabetes must monitor their blood glucose levels regularly and take medication as prescribed along with a balanced diet and regular exercise in order to prevent complications in case of the Covid -19 infection.

What should diabetic people do to strengthen their immune system to fight the COVID-19 infection?

To boost your immunity and combat against coronavirus, you can add following food items in your meal:

  • Fresh fruits and fresh vegetables are a must.
  • Enough whole grains should be a part of the diet divided into 4 to 5 small meals.
  • Proteins like eggs and chicken for non-vegetarians and soybean and paneer for vegetarians are found to be beneficial. It’s better to avoid red meat or at least limit its intake.
  • Avoid fruits with a high glycemic index, such as grapes, mangoes, bananas, etc. Instead, switch on to more citrus fruits like sweet lime and lemons.
  • Hydration is essential so drinking enough water is a must.
  • Limiting alcohol intake, daily physical activities of at least half an hour and enough rest can strengthen the immune system.

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What To Do After COVID-19 Recovery

COVID type-2 diabetes is also being seen in patients with prior diabetes in which earlier controlled diabetes is increasing after recovering from COVID-19. Follow the below mentioned instructions to keep your health in check:

  • Monitor your blood sugar level post-COVID infection regularly to avoid further complications
  • Prepare a healthy diet chart and consult a nutritionist to get a tailored meal plan.
  • Have a positive outlook as people.
  • Manage your stress and sleep pattern.

Also, if you aren’t feeling well, it will be best to consult a doctor which can be done right from home via online chat/audio call/video call on The Wellness Corner app. Find a vaccination slot near you and get vaccinated to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

*Diabetic Patients Have Specific Dietary Requirements Based On Their Sugar Levels & Other Factors. We Strongly Recommend To Consult Your Doctor & Your Dietitian Before Making Any Changes To Your Diet.

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