Ways To Take Care Of Your Mental Health While Living Alone

  • 27 months ago
5 minute read.
Ways To Take Care Of Your Mental Health While Living Alone

Living alone can be both rewarding and challenging, especially if you don’t have anyone else to rely on besides yourself. It can be hard to feel lonely when you’re never truly alone, but it’s important to remember that being isolated from others can also cause your mental health to suffer, so it’s vital to keep an eye on your emotional well-being as you live independently.

According to Everyday health adults who live alone have an 80% higher risk of depression than those who don’t. Living alone can also be difficult for your physical health. About 1 in every 4 women living alone suffers from a chronic condition.

Even when you love living alone, there are times when you feel isolated and lonely, especially if you’re not surrounded by friends and family anymore or even if you never had any in the first place. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the silence of your home, consider these five ways to take care of your mental health while living alone.

Living Alone Can Take A Toll On Mental Health In Certain Situations

Living alone can be a challenge for everyone, If you’re already prone to anxiety, depression, or other mental issues—or if you’re feeling lonely—dealing with these problems on top of moving in can be debilitating.

Loneliness, isolation, and depression are three main factors that can lead to a poor state of mind. Living alone shows higher levels of anxiety and lower levels of happiness.

In certain situations living alone can be incredibly isolating and emotionally taxing, which can lead to depression and other mental health issues.

What Studies Found Out?

According to a study published in 2017 in PLOS One, women who live alone are three times more likely than married women or women with partners to suffer from clinical depression; men who live alone are twice as likely as married men or those with partners to suffer from clinical depression. The reason? Loneliness and isolation.

Related: Handling Stress: Men v/s Women

People who live alone have a greater risk of developing depression than those who live with others. Living alone, feeling isolated, and dealing with depression can be extremely difficult, especially when you’re starting a new job. While it might seem impossible at times, it is possible to cope with these feelings to lead a healthy life.

Looking After Your Emotional Health While Living Alone

Living alone can be a lonely and, at times, stressful experience. Before you live alone, it’s hard to imagine what’s going on in your head when you get home after a long day at work and feel like you don’t want any company at all. If you struggle with feeling lonely or just generally unhappy when living alone. But it doesn’t have to be! If you plan properly and cultivate healthy habits, you can enjoy living independently.

Emotional Counseling

Ways To Embrace Living Alone

#1. Think Positively:

It may sound simple, but one of the easiest things you can do for your mental well-being is to think positively. When you begin each day with a positive attitude, you set yourself up for success. And when you practice positivity regularly, it becomes habitual and makes stress easier to manage.

If you find that negative thoughts are overwhelming you more often than not, try keeping a journal where you write down three good things that happened each day. This will help train your brain to look for opportunities instead of obstacles.

#2. Exercise Your Mind:

One way you can stay mentally fit is by learning new things. Take up a new language, for example. Learning a foreign language helps keep your mind sharp and can even stave off Alzheimer’s disease.

If you live in an area with a large population, try signing up for free classes at local community centers. If that isn’t an option, there are plenty of online resources that offer many mind-expanding courses.

#3. Stay Connected:

There’s no doubt that one of the hardest parts about living alone is leaving your social circle behind. The best way to overcome that loneliness is by staying connected with friends and family members—through phone calls, texts, emails, or face-to-face visits.

And don’t forget about support groups! No matter what you’re going through, there are people out there who are willing to lend a listening ear.

#4. Plan For A Bad Day:

It’s easy to get lost in a spiral when you’re lonely and depressed, but planning for days when you don’t feel good can improve how you feel. Set goals that allow you to socialize, and make sure to bring a list of friends or family members with their contact information.

You may also want to set up a date night with yourself so you have something to look forward to. And most importantly, remember that bad days are just part of life—they won’t last forever!

#5. Sleep Well:

Sleep is one of those essentials of life that often takes a backseat. Even though you may love staying up late, it’s important to remember that getting enough restful sleep can be essential for long-term happiness.

Staying up all night might give you a temporary rush, but it can seriously damage your overall well-being and make it more difficult for you to function during the day. Instead of burning yourself out with late nights, try to get at least seven hours of sleep each night—and don’t forget to set aside time in your schedule for naps.

Is It Better To Live Alone Or With Other People When You Struggle With Your Mental Health?

There are benefits and drawbacks to both. Some struggle with their mental health when they live with others, while others do best in an independent setting.

Living alone offers peace that can be hard to find when you live with others. But by isolating yourself, you also deny yourself a crucial aspect of living in harmony: community.

What’s right for you depends on several factors:

  • How stable you are?
  • What kind of support systems do you have in place?
  • If your friends and family are aware and supportive of your condition?
  • How much medication or therapy do you need?
  • And what sort of lifestyle makes you feel most comfortable?

You should consider all these issues before making a final decision about where to live.


It can be tough for someone who is used to a regular schedule and an active social life to suddenly live by themselves. If you’re struggling with loneliness and other issues, find ways in which you can keep yourself busy.

Make sure you exercise regularly, have healthy food in your home, and have fun things around that help remind you that life is still good without relying on other people. While it can be tough at first, everyone must learn how to live happily on their own eventually.

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