Can Teenagers Perform Weight Training?

  • 20 months ago
3 minute read.
Can Teenagers Perform Weight Training?

Teenagers frequently ask this, and so do their parents. Teens are interested in increasing their level of physical fitness and improving their muscle mass in healthy ways. Parents frequently worry about weightlifting in teens and whether it can stunt growth. So, the question of whether it's safe for teenagers to lift weights still stands.

Yes! Teenagers can lift weights safely and effectively.

Weightlifting does not stunt growth and isn't nearly as dangerous as many believe. Starting young will put you on the path to long-term health, happiness, and well-being and allow you to enter your twenties with the type of body that most people can only imagine. Lifting weights has a lower injury rate than many youth sports like soccer, basketball, and baseball, and the most cited dangers of lifting weights are not right. Most weightlifting injuries are of the "slip, trip, and fall" type, which is why safety courses and appropriate supervision are crucial for young athletes.

Weightlifting for beginners

The teenager should learn correct warm-up and cool-down, proper pace, form, technique, and suitable progression to be safe and effective. The Health Department advises doing 1-2 sets of each exercise for 12–15 reps. Resistance using exercise bands, body weight, and free weights are safe and effective options. It is advised that interested teenagers should perform two to three strength training workouts per week, with at least a full day gap in between each session.

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Do teenagers need to use barbells and dumbbells to build their strength?

Adolescents should start with bodyweight exercises, tiny dumbbells, and low barbells and gradually add weight as they are capable, keeping in mind that most weightlifting equipments are made for adult bodies. Resistance/weight training is not limited to dumbbells or barbells. It is safe and equally efficient to integrate exercises using body weight, resistance bands, medicine balls, etc., which are all considered resistance training.

Is there a minimum number of times a week a teen should train?

Yes, there is a limit. Resistance training is challenging and should only be done every other day for a maximum of three days per week, unlike most field games where teenagers can safely practice or play many days in a row. Your muscles must have 24-48 hours to heal after a weightlifting session before you can do it again. During rest days, you can engage in other sports and hobbies, but in general, young athletes should not lift weights twice in a row. Four or more days of weight training per week can be good enough for older teenagers and adults, but there doesn't appear to be any benefit for younger athletes. Generally, each session should include a quick warm-up and cool-down at the start and finish.

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Is there a minimum age at which kids should begin?

While every child is unique, it is best to speak with a doctor. If a child is playing tournaments, they are old enough to engage in weight training. Weight training has no upper age limit, but for safety purposes, the youngster must be old enough to understand and follow instructions. Before selecting a workout, it is crucial to consider the child's amount of coordination and postural control. Asking a youngster to do exercises beyond their level of motor development can be harmful and discouraging.

In a nutshell

In the end, teenagers can safely lift weights if they do it correctly and at a pace appropriate to their age and fitness level. It is only general advice; it is ideal to weightlifting under the instruction of a qualified specialist. Your youngster can learn to lift weights with the guidance of physical education instructors, certified strength and conditioning specialists, physical therapists, athletic trainers, and licensed personal trainers.

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