Why You Shouldn't Sleep With Lights On?

  • 27 months ago
4 minute read.
Why You Shouldn't Sleep With Lights On?

Several aspects impact our sleep and prevent us from getting adequate rest. It can be loud noises, an uncomfortable mattress, unfavorable temperature etc. However, one more thing which impacts our sleep is unnecessary light coming from under the door or window.

Haven’t you realized it yet? If not but are still curious to know more, read along. This blog will talk about the connection between light and sleep in detail and how it affects you and interferes with your sleep. Also, we’ll talk about the best night light color option for a sound sleep.

Do you feel cranky if someone switches on the light while you sleep, or do you feel dizzy when there is complete darkness in the room? If you said yes, you aren’t alone. Most people experience this, and it’s all related to our circadian rhythm and melatonin, a sleep-promoting hormone.

Melatonin production increases in the evening (as it gets dark), making you feel sleepy. However, if you’re exposed to too much light, it can delay the release of melatonin and thus delay your sleep. Also, this melatonin impacts your circadian rhythm or the sleep-wake cycle, which again hinders your sleep.

In a nutshell, if there’s more light exposure, melatonin production will be impacted, which directly impacts your circadian rhythm leading to less or poor quality sleep.

What are the Disadvantages of Sleeping with Lights On?

Sleeping with lights on is entirely a bad habit that you must get rid of as soon as you can. Here are a few disadvantages that will help you know better about why it is better to break this habit: -

1) Decrease in Melatonin Production 

When you sleep with lights on or have constant exposure to blue light from the phone, laptop, or tablet screens, the melatonin production decreases significantly, disrupting your sleep.

Melatonin is crucial for your body to balance and keep the circadian rhythm stable. Constant exposure to light can affect around fifty percent of the hormone’s production and cut down around ninety minutes of your sleep.

Also check: Never go to sleep angry. Here's why?

2) Increase in the Risk of Insomnia

Research says that sleeping with lights on might increase the risk of insomnia. Sleeping with lights on impacts your melatonin production, which further impacts your sleep. And the inability to sleep is one of the major reasons that lead to insomnia.

3) Migraine

Migraine is a common health condition among Indians. Although several reasons lead to migraine, the usage of mobile phones, tablets, or electronic devices at night that emit blue lights is a considerable cause. Here’s why excessive light exposure leads to migraine: -

  • Light exposure leads to a lack of sleep or sleep reduction. This can make you feel tired and fatigued and can also cause headaches which further leads to migraine.
  • Constant exposure to blue light causes oxidative stress, which again is linked to migraine, weak eyesight, and in severe case scenarios, blindness.

Therefore, avoid using your mobile or other devices that emit blue light two hours before sleeping for better sleep.

Best Colour Night Light for Sleeping

While we must not expose our eyes to bright electric lights while sleeping, research says that certain colored lights may help you stimulate sleep. For instance, warmer red led lights are the best-colored night light for sleeping. Here’s why;

  • Some studies tell us that the red light helps stimulate melatonin production, which induces sleep.
  • Furthermore, it makes you feel calmer and at rest, positively impacting your circadian rhythm and promoting better sleep.
  • Red light is intimate, cozy, comforting, and eventually sleepy. It brings you to sleep as it eases you mentally and physically, putting you in a relaxed state.

What If I Sleep with Lights On?

Most people don’t really sleep well with the lights on. However, if you are, you might be experiencing poor sleep quality and shallow sleep. Here’s what else you might be at risk of:

1) Obesity 

People who sleep with lights on tend to be obese. For instance, a study found obesity more prevalent in women who slept with light or television on.

2) Depression 

According to research, poor sleep quality is linked to depression. Also, the blue light from electronic devices can impact your mood negatively.

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3) Prone to Accidents

Poor quality sleep means you won’t be alert enough, and you might stay dizzy all day long. While this may not sound like a problem if you’re working from, it could be dangerous if you drive to the office. So, prefer sleeping with the lights off.


Sleeping in light can lead to several health issues. So, if you were sleeping or trying to sleep with the lights on, stop. Prevent any sort of light from entering your room and experience high-quality sleep. However, you can always switch on a dim light if you have a habit of walking at night or visiting the kitchen to munch something.

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