Creating A Workplace That Supports Mental Health:-Tips For Managers & Employees

  • 12 months ago
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Creating A Workplace That Supports Mental Health:-Tips For Managers & Employees

Everyone in a corporate environment experiences stress, burnout, or mental health problems. Employers and employees must work in harmony and discuss freely to create a healthy work culture.

Although it is not mandatory to tell your manager how you feel, if you do not, you may not get the assistance you require, such as time off, work-from-home facilities, flexible hours, or access to other corporate resources. If you do not tell your supervisor about your mental health issues, they may not realize why you are less productive on some days.

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The importance of mental health in the workplace

Understanding the characteristics and requirements of the employees is essential for workplace wellness. Employers may want to know how to keep their employees from unnecessary exhaustion and what they can do to create a cohesive, compassionate, and effective workforce.

Employees stay motivated and work effectively if they are satisfied with their jobs. A crucial factor that contributes to this is good mental health.

The workplace environment is what you make of it. So, why not make it as cheerful and positive as possible?

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Few ways managers can support employees

1) Look out for signs of stress in the employees

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Excessive fatigue on the job
  • Lack of interest in work activities
  • Increased absenteeism
  • Decline in work performance
  • Change in their appearance
  • Change in the employee's behavior—irritability and unpredictability

You must take steps to help minimize their stress. If you think the issue is serious, and you are having difficulty handling the situation, it would be best to motivate your employee to go for a counseling session.

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Please verify that coverage for mental health is included in the employee health insurance plan. Regular follow-ups might help prevent further issues.

You can start by discussing the matter with HR. You can request them to introduce Employee Assistance Programs to ensure workplace safety.

2) Connect emotionally with the employees

Inspire your team by tapping into their motivation levels and passions at a deep level. You can share your own stories (it will develop a sense of belongingness), using inspiring language and communication tactics, and personally or emotionally connect with them.

3) Choose the best time and place

It is advisable to approach an employee who might be going through a tough time on a day when the office is less stressful or calm. If an employee has a problem with someone who works there, they could be reluctant to discuss it because of the other person's presence. Getting your employee away from the office could provide you with a new perspective on how they are feeling.

4) Demonstrate concern

Ensure you treat employees with mental health problems the same way as those with physical problems. Discuss the issue with the staff and demonstrate that you are concerned about their health. Give them a day-off to rest. Managers must review and, if necessary, modify the work tasks and responsibilities of individuals who have had sickness absences due to stress as a result of their work.

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5) Respect your employees

Avoid making decisions that either negatively or positively impact an employee's status at work solely based on age, gender, race, creed, or other arbitrary reasons. Respect your employees and remember that supervisory status is not a license to treat your employees unfairly.

Keep in mind that the only way to guarantee success is to monitor the behavioral changes. It involves following up and evaluating employees' progress regularly!

Tips for employees

1) Understand yourself:

Understand what your role in your team is. Understanding your responsibilities and what is expected of you is the first step to achieving them. It would help if you can take time for yourself to find out what your strengths and weaknesses are.

2) Be positive:

One thing to keep in mind is to approach your superior with a positive attitude. This attitude will help you take things as they come and enhance your faith in yourself. Expect that the outcome will also be positive rather than negative.

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3) Be assertive:

Be assertive in requesting what you believe is best for you. Be open to change, flexible enough to make the required adjustments, and confident that this will benefit you. If you believe you need to be strong in a certain way, make it your continual request.

4) Keep communication open and direct:

Always keep communication flowing between you and your boss so that you are both aware of what is going on. If there are projects that you are handling or involved in, you would want to share developments, achievements, and progress with your boss. This will invariably help build up a good rapport and a working relationship as well. Bonus Read: How to Talk About Your Mental Health with Your Employer?

5) Take criticism well:

There may be times when things do not go your way or things may have backfired unexpectedly. Keep an open mind and concentrate on what you can do rather than thinking about it negatively for too long. Find out what may have gone wrong and work towards correcting it.

6) Know that it is okay to make mistakes:

One of the best approaches is to own up that you have made a mistake and that you are responsible for it. It shows integrity and self-respect rather than playing the blame game. Once there, you can inform your boss of the measures you are taking to put things in order and follow it up regularly.

As an employee, you need to be aware that your supervisor was once in your position. They will be able to assist you efficiently because they have already been through the period.

Last words

Creating an employer-employee relationship within the organization is worthy. Good mental health and behavior are central to a productive and successful workplace. Organizations must take initiatives to support the team behavior. Success in this area is possible with coordination and cooperation from both sides.

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